J. Richard Bond
Richard Bond is a cosmologist whose theoretical work ranges from the ultra-early to the ultra-late universe, with influential works on the nature and behaviour of dark matter and energy, on inflation in the early and late universe, and on the ‘cosmic web’ paradigm for the dynamics of structure formation from random density fields and the distribution and state of gas in the universe that this engenders. He is best known for developing the theory and analysis of cosmic microwave background radiation fluctuations into a high precision tool for exploring the cosmos. Bond has played a leading role in developing Canadian cosmology into its current vibrant state, and for making CITA a sought-after destination for more than 150 post-PhD scientists, most of whom have gone on to distinguished national and international faculty positions.
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, 2012
- Canadian Association of Physicists Medal for Lifetime Achievement, 2010
- Tory Medal of the Canadian Royal Society, 2009
- Herzberg Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, 2006
- Beals Prize of the Canadian Astronomical Society, 1995
Relevant Publications
Bond, J.R., & Efstathiou, G. (1984). Cosmic background radiation anisotropies in universes dominated by nonbaryonic dark matter. Astrophysical Journal, 285, L45–L48. DOI: 0.1086/184362