Julio F. Navarro
Cosmologist Julio Navarro studies the cosmological implications of the observed properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters.
His work on dark matter – the mysterious substance that holds galaxies together – has been highly influential in the crafting of our current paradigm for structure formation in the universe, where the mass budget is dominated by ‘cold’ dark matter and the universal expansion is driven primarily by ‘dark energy.’ Navarro’s work uses some of the world’s largest supercomputers and most sophisticated numerical algorithms to recreate the hierarchical formation of galaxies and other structures. These state-of-the-art simulations have highlighted a number of successes and shortcomings in theories of structure formation.
- Henry Marshall Tory Medal of the Royal Society of Canada, 2015
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2011
- Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize from the Humboldt Foundation, 2004
- Guggenheim Foundation Fellow, 2003
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow, 1999
Relevant Publications
Navarro, J.F. et al. “The diversity and similarity of simulated cold dark matter haloes.” Monthly Notices of the R.A.S. 402 (2010): 21.
Navarro, J.F. et al. “A Universal Density Profile from Hierarchical Clustering.” Astrophys. J. 490, no. 2 (1997): 493.
Navarro, J.F. et al. “The Structure of Cold Dark Matter Halos.” Astrophys. J. 462 (1996): 563.
Navarro, J.F. et al. “Simulations of X-ray clusters.” Monthly Notices of the R.A.S. 275 (1995): 720.