Trained in social anthropology, I have been focusing on various practices within the field of innovation studies, in the realm of science as well as of art, especially in Japan. I am the author of several books, among which Kuma Kengo. An Unconventional Monograph (Ed. Donner Lieu, 2009) is dedicated to the studio practice of the famous Japanese architect; also Humains, non humains. Comment repeupler les sciences sociales (with O. Thiery, La Découverte, 2011) or Les Incommensurables (Zones Sensibles 2015) that portraits the Big Collider of High Particles Physics at CERN. I am currently doing research on life after the triple disaster (an earthquake, a tsunami, a nuclear accident) that hit northern Japan in March 2011, and from there broadly on nuclear territories.
- Fellow, Japanese Foundation, 2020
- Laureate, in duo with Mélanie Pavy, Art Explora Residency Program, Paris, 2020
- Fellow, Japanese Foundation, 2009
- Bronze Medalist, CNRS, 2009
Relevant Publications
- S. Houdart, 2008, “Copying, Cutting and Pasting Social Spheres: Computer Designers’ Participation in Architectural Projects”, in Science Studies, vol.21, n°1 (Special Issue: “Understanding Architecture, Accounting Society”: 47-63
- S. Houdart, 2017, « Les répertoires subtils d’un terrain contaminé », Techniques & Cutlure 68 « Mondes infimes », p.88-103
- S. Houdart & M. Pavy, 2019, « On sort donc les tripes petit à petit… Consistance d’un territoire contaminé », Terrain 71 [Apocalypses] : 116-139. https://journals.openedition.org/terrain/18195