Chaire de microbiologie appliquée Eveleigh-Fenton, Université Rutgers
Membre, American Academy of Microbiology
Membre du conseil consultatif scientifique, Center for Microbiome Research and Education, American Gastroenterology Association (AGA)
Publications Pertinentes
Zhao, L., Zhang, F., Ding, X., Wu, G., et al. (2018). « Gut bacteria selectively promoted by dietary fibers alleviate type 2 diabetes. » Science, 359, 1151-1156. PMID:29590046
Zhang C., Yin, A. Li, H., Wu, G.,...Zhao, L. (2015). « Dietary modulation of gut microbiota contributes to alleviation of both genetic and simple obesity in children. » EBioMedicine, 2(8), 968-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.07.007. PMCID: PMC4563136
Fei, N., & Zhao, L. (2013). « An opportunistic pathogen from the gut of an obese human causes obesity in germfree mice. » ISME J, 7(4), 880–884. PMCID: PMC3603399
Zhao, L. (2013). « The gut microbiota and obesity: from correlation to causality. » Nat Rev Microbiol, 11(9): 639-647. PMID:23912213
Li, M., Wang, B., Zhang, M., Rantalainen, M., Wang S.,... Zhao, L. (2008). « Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes.» Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 105(6): 2117-2122. PMCID:PMC2538887
Université Rutgers
Département de biochimie et microbiologie
PhD (Molecular Plant Pathology), Nanjing Agricultural University
BS (Plant Protection), Shanxi Agricultural University
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