greetings from the Alberta machine
intelligence Institute I’m Alana fish
one of the new Canada CFR chairs in AI
I’m an assistant professor at the
University of Alberta and I’m cross
appointed with computing science and
psychology my research focuses on how
people understand language specifically
I use neuroimaging techniques while
people are reading to understand how
they’re using their brains to understand
language meanings I think that better
understanding how people process
language could help us build better
computer models for language
understanding CFR’s already had a great
influence on my research career I was
one of the first cohort of 2016 global
scholars and I remember receiving that
email and replying and saying that it
was a transformative gift and at the
time I met the funding was
transformative which it has been but of
course the networking has been something
I didn’t even imagine would be as
transformative as it has been the people
I’ve met through CFR and all of their
programs have just been phenomenal
they’ve got a great group of researchers
together and I think the same is going
to be true for the AI chairs and the
sorts of networking we’ll get to do
together will be just career changing
I’m really excited about the
opportunities in AI in Canada in
addition to the networking opportunities
that the AI chairs will bring I’m also
really excited about the funding which
will allow me to plan longer-term for my
research and instead of having to patch
together multiple grants gives me the
ability to relax think longer-term about
research and put together a program that
spans five years the CF Rai chair
funding allows me to bring on multiple
students to pursue multiple research
paths and will allow them to work
together to find the connections between
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