Harald P. Pfeiffer
Harald Pfeiffer is an astrophysicist whose research aims for a deeper understanding of black holes and Einstein’s theory of general relativity through numerical simulations.
Beyond the primary focus on numerical simulations, he is also interested in applications to gravitational wave observations, the development of novel numerical techniques, and visualization.
- Ontario Early Researcher Award, 2014
Relevant Publications
Abbott, B.P. et al. “Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger.” Physical Review Letters 116 (2016).
Mroué, A. H. et al. “Catalog of 174 binary black hole simulations for gravitational wave astronomy.” Physical Review Letters 111 (2013).
Boyle, M. et al. “High-accuracy comparison of numerical relativity simulations with post-Newtonian expansions.” Physical Review D. 76, no. 12 (2007).