AI Strategy Leadership

We benefit from the advice and guidance of leaders around the world and across sectors.
International Scientific Advisory Committee
The International Scientific Advisory Committee is responsible for making recommendations on Canada CIFAR AI Chair appointments and providing overall advice and guidance to CIFAR on the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy.
Nuria Oliver
International Scientific Advisory Committee Deputy Chair
CIFAR Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy Leadership
Chief Scientific Advisor Vodafone Institute
Co-founder and Vice-President ELLIS
Fellow of the IEEE ACM and European Association of AI
Scientific Director and Cofounder of the Institute for Humanity-centric AI (@ELLIS)
Co-founder and Vice-President ELLIS
Fellow of the IEEE ACM and European Association of AI
Scientific Director and Cofounder of the Institute for Humanity-centric AI (@ELLIS)
Pan-Canadian AI Strategy National Program Committee
The National Program Committee provides advice to CIFAR on national activities under the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy and acts as a coordinating body for activities taking place across the National Artificial Intelligence Institutes, including events, reporting, and planning.