Kendrick Smith
Gravity & the Extreme Universe
Kendrick Smith is a cosmologist whose work combines theoretical physics, data analysis, and software engineering.
Currently, he is focusing on three main research topics. First, new algorithms for next-generation radio telescopes such as Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME); second, data analysis for the upcoming Simons Observatory CMB experiment; and third, new applications of neural networks to cosmology.
- Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize (with Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and the Planck Science Teams,) 2019
- Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (with WMAP Science Team,) 2018
- Gruber Cosmology Prize (with WMAP Science Team,) 2012
Relevant Publications
K. Smith, O. Zahn, O. Dore, “Detection of Gravitational Lensing in the Microwave Background”, PRD 76:043510 (2007), arxiv:0705.3980
G. Hinshaw et al [WMAP Collaboration], “Nine-Year WMAP Observations: Cosmological Parameter Results”, ApJS 208, 19 (2013), arxiv:1212.5226.
M. Amiri et al [CHIMEFRB Collaboration], “Observations of Fast Radio Bursts at Frequencies down to 400 MHz”, Nature 566, 230 (2019), arxiv:1901.04524.
Y. Akrami et al [Planck Collaboration], “Planck 2018 results. IX. Constraints on Primordial non-Gaussianity”, arxiv:1905.05697.
M. Munchmeyer and K. Smith, “Fast Wiener filtering of CMB maps with Neural Networks”, arxiv:1905.05846.