Amos Zehavi
Innovation, Equity, & The Future of Prosperity
Amos Zehavi is a political scientist interested in the social aspects of innovation policy, comparative social policy, the political implications of privatization and mechanisms of institutional change.
In the project (co-led with Dan Breznitz) ‘Severing the Innovation-Inequality Link: A Comparison of the Distributive Aspects of Innovation Policies’, Amos investigates if and how innovation policies in Canada, Germany, Israel, Sweden and the U.S. impact the relative socio-economic position of specific groups: low-skilled workers, women, minorities, people with disabilities, and inhabitants of geographical-economic peripheries. An additional objective of this study is to explore the political underpinnings of innovation policy formulation, thus unearthing politics’ effect on distribution through its influence over innovation policy.
- Israel Science Foundation Research Grant, 2015-2018
- Lupina Honorarium, University of Toronto, 2017-2019
- Munk School, University of Toronto – Tel Aviv University Research Grant 2014-2015: Distribution sensitive S&T policies for disadvantaged groups
- United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation Research Grant, 2009 -2011
- Israel Science Foundation Research Grant, 2009-2011
Relevant Publications
Zehavi, A and D. Breznitz. “The Neoliberal Targeted Social Investment State: The Case of Ethnic Minorities.” Journal of Social Policy (2018).
Zehavi, A. and D. Breznitz. “Distribution Sensitive Innovation Policies: Conceptualization and Empirical Examples.” Research Policy 46, 1 (2017).
Zehavi, A. “Welfare State Politics in Privatization of Delivery: Linking Program Constituencies to Left and Right.” Comparative Political Studies 45 (2012): 194-219.
Zehavi, A. “Moving in Opposite Directions? Religious Involvement in Welfare Provision in Israel and the Low Countries.” Social Service Review 86, 3 (2012): 429-453.
Breznitz, D. and A. Zehavi. “The Limits of Capital: Transcending the Public Financer – Private Producer Split in R&D.” Research Policy 39, 2 (2010): 301-312.