Barbara Engelhardt
My research builds models to find structure and patterns hidden in noisy biological data, and uses those patterns to generate hypotheses about the dysregulation in genes and cells that leads to disease.
- Caltech Merkin Distinguished Visiting Professorship (2022-2024)
- ISCB Overton Prize, 2021
- NSF CAREER Award (2018-2022)
- Sloan Faculty Fellowship (2016-2018)
- Walter M. Fitch Prize from Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (2004)
Relevant Publications
- Townes, F.W. & Engelhardt, B.E. (2023). Nonnegative spatial factorization for spatial genomics. Nature Methods, 20, 229--238. DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01687-w
- Jones, A. & Townes, F.W. & Li, D. & Engelhardt, B.E. (2023). Alignment of spatial genomics and histology data using deep Gaussian processes. Nature Methods (accepted) bioRxiv:475692
- Dumitrascu, B. & Villar, S. & Mixon, D.G. & Engelhardt, B.E. (2021). Optimal marker gene selection for cell type discrimination in single cell analyses. Nature Communications, 12:1186. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21453-4