Irene Bloemraad
Irene Bloemraad is a political sociologist who studies how immigrants become incorporated into political bodies and the consequences of their presence on politics and understandings of membership.
Her 2006 book, Becoming a Citizen, compares immigrants’ acquisition of citizenship and political participation in the United States and Canada, finding that government settlement and multiculturalism policies have influenced newcomers’ practice and understanding of citizenship such that immigrants in Canada show greater political incorporation than those in the United States.
Her current projects examine the link between immigration-driven diversity and public-minded engagement, the visibility and influence of immigrant organizations, and the political socialization of immigrants and their native-born children. Bloemraad has published on these and related topics in a variety of sociology and immigration journals. She also regularly presents her work to policy-makers, academics and the general public.
- Berkeley Collegium Grant: “Narrowing the gap between teaching and research” 2018-19
- Named the International Migration Review’s “Featured Scholar of 2018”, Center for Migration Studies and SAGE Publishing, 2018
- Honorable Mention, Best Conference Paper for “The Limits of Rights” (with K. Voss & F. Silva), Migration and Citizenship section, American Political Science Association, 2018
- Best Article Award (shared with co-author), Migration and Citizenship section, American Political Science Association, 2013
- American Cultures Innovation in Teaching Prize, University of California, Berkeley, 2013
Relevant Publications
Bloemraad, I. (2018). Theorizing citizenship as claims-making. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(1), 4-26.
Bloemraad, I., & Sheares, A. (2017). Understanding membership in a world of global migration: (How) does citizenship matter? International Migration Review, 51(4), 823-867.
de Graauw, E., & Bloemraad, I. (2017). Working together: Building successful policy and program partnerships for immigrant integration. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 5(1) 105-123.
Shachar, A., Bauböck, R., Bloemraad, I. & Vink, M. (Eds.). (2017). Oxford handbook of citizenship. Oxford University Press.
Warikoo, N., & Bloemraad, I. (2017). Economic Americanness and defensive inclusion: Social location and young citizens’ conceptions of national identity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(5), 736-753. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2017.1329006