Matthias Troyer
Associate Fellow
Quantum Information Science
Matthias Troyer is a principal researcher in the Quantum Group of Microsoft, having joined the company’s quantum computing program at the beginning of 2017.
His research interests range from high performance computing and library design for scientific computing to the simulations of quantum devices and island ecosystems. At Microsoft he now works on various aspects of quantum computing, from numerical modeling of quantum hardware to discovering new applications for quantum computers.
- Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics (2019)
- Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics (2016)
- ERC Advanced Grant (2011)
- ETH Medal for outstanding doctoral thesis (1994)
- Gold Medal at International Chemistry Olympiad (1986)
Relevant Publications
Matthias Troyer and Uwe-Jens Wiese. “Computational complexity and fundamental limitations to fermionic simulations.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 170201 (2005).
Troels F. Rønnow, Zhihui Wang, Joshua Job, Sergio Boixo, Sergei V. Isakov, David Wecker, John M. Martinis, Daniel A. Lidar, Matthias Troyer. “Defining and detecting quantum speedup.” Science 345, 420 (2014)
Bettina Heim, Troels F. Rønnow, Sergei V. Isakov, and Matthias Troyer. “Quantum versus Classical Annealing of Ising Spin Glasses.”Science 348, 215 (2015)
A.A. Soluyanov, D. Gresch, Z. Wang, Q.S., Wu, M. Troyer, Xi Dai, and B. A. Bernevig. “A new type of Weyl semimetal.” Nature 527, 495 (2015)
Giuseppe Carleo, Matthias Troyer. “Solving the Quantum Many-Body Problem with Artificial Neural Networks.” Science 355, 580 (2017)