Megan Peters
CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar 2019-2021
Brain, Mind & Consciousness
Megan Peters draws on insights and approaches from cognitive science, psychology, computational neuroscience, and philosophy to understand how brains process and evaluate sensory information.
She is particularly interested in adaptive behaviour and learning. Using computational modeling and neuroimaging techniques, she asks questions like: How is noisy, ambiguous information represented in neuronal activity and neural connections? How does a brain know about or metacognitively evaluate its own noise, or “feel” confident that it has interpreted incoming information correctly? How does it learn what to expect based on past experience, and when to update those expectations? What can we learn from human and animal neural processing that will be beneficial to the development of artificial systems? Which brain areas and computations for all these abilities also give rise to our phenomenological, subjective experiences? That is, why and how is there something that it’s like to be conscious of our world and ourselves?
- Scialog Fellow in the Molecular Basis of Cognition, Research Corporation for Science Advancement, 2022
- Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 2010
- Behavioral Neuroscience Training Fellowship, National Institutes of Health, 2009
- Chancellor's Prize, University of California Los Angeles, 2009
Relevant Publications
- Peters, M.A.K. (2022). Towards characterizing the canonical computations generating phenomenal experience. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 142, 104903. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104903.
- Peters, M.A.K.*, Thesen, T.*, Ko, Y.D.*, Maniscalco, B., Carlson, C., Davidson, M., Doyle, W., Kuzniecky, R., Devinsky, O., Halgren, E., & Lau, H. (2017). Perceptual confidence neglects decision-incongruent evidence in the brain. Nature Human Behaviour. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0139
- Peters, M.A.K., & Lau, H. (2015). Human observers have optimal introspective access to perceptual processes even for visually masked stimuli. eLife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09651