Nigel Hussey
Advisory Committee Chair
Quantum Materials
Nigel Hussey’s research focuses on precision measurements of the transport properties of exotic, low-dimensional metals and superconductors in high magnetic fields. He is credited with the first experimental determination of the full Fermi surface of a high temperature superconductor, and the discovery of the strange metallic state.
- Charles Vernon Boys medal (now the Henry Moseley medal) from the Institute of Physics (UK)
- Inaugural Brian Pippard Superconductivity prize of the Institute of Physics (UK)
- Elected Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK)
- Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award (UK)
- European Research Council (ERC) Advanced grant holder
Relevant Publications
Putzke, C., Benhabib, S., Tabis, W. … Hussey, N.E., et al. (2019). Reduced Hall carrier density in the overdoped strange metal regime of cuprate Superconductors. Cornell University. arXiV:1909.08102
Licciardelli, S., Maksimovic, N., Ayres, J., … Hussey, N.E. (2019). Coexistence of orbital and quantum critical magnetoresistance in FeSe1-xSx. Physical Review Research, 1, 023011.
Lu, J., Xu, X., Greenblatt, M., … Hussey, N.E. (2019). Emergence of a real-space symmetry axis in the magnetoresistance of the 1D conductor Li0.9Mo6O17. Science Advances, 5, eaar8207.
Licciardelli, S., Buhot, J., Lu, J., … Hussey, N.E. (2019). Electrical resistivity across a nematic quantum critical point. Nature, 567, 213-217.
Hussey, N.E., Buhot, J., & Licciardello, S. (2018). A tale of two metals: contrasting criticalities in the pnictides and hole-doped cuprates. Reports of Progress in Physics, 81, 052501.