Roger Blandford
Gravity & the Extreme Universe
Astrophysicist Roger Blandford helped develop theoretical astrophysics and cosmology studies at Caltech, and has now done the same as the founding director of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. Blandford’s research covers much of astrophysics, particularly black holes and compact objects, cosmic ray physics and high energy astrophysics, cosmology and gravitational lensing.
- Gold Medal, Royal Astronomical Society, 2013
- Eddington Medal, Royal Astronomical Society, 2005
- Eddington Medal, Royal Astronomical Society, 1999
- Dannie Heineman Prize, American Astronomical Society, 1998
- Fellow, Royal Society, 1989
Relevant Publications
Thorne, K.S., and R. Blandford. Modern Classical Physics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016.
Blandford, R.D. et al. Active Galactic Nuclei. Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Blandford, R.D., and R. Narayun. “Fermat’s principle, caustics, and the classification of gravitational lens images.” Astrophys. J. 310 (1986): 568–82.
Blandford, R.D., and D.G. Payne. “Hydromagnetic flows from accretion discs and the production of radio jets.” Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 199 (1982): 883–903.
Blandford, R.D., and J.P. Ostriker. “Particle acceleration by astrophysical shocks.” Astrophys. J. 221 (1978): L29–L32.