Shion Guha
Solution Network Member
AI for Diabetes Prediction & Prevention
Pan-Canadian AI Strategy
Guha’s research interests include human-computer interaction, data science, and public policy. He has been involved in developing the emerging field of Human-Centred Data Science. This intersectional research area combines technical methodologies with interpretive inquiry to address biases and structural inequalities in socio-technical systems. Guha is interested in understanding how algorithmic decision-making processes are designed, implemented and evaluated in public services. He often works with marginalized and vulnerable populations, such as child welfare, criminal justice, and healthcare systems.
- Faculty Fellowship, Schwartz-Reisman Institute for Technology and Society (2023)
- ACM CHI Best Paper Award (2023)
- Connaught New Researcher Award, University of Toronto (2022)
- ACM CSCW Best Paper Honorable Mention (2021)
- Way-Klingler Early Career Award, Marquette University (2019)
Relevant Publications
- Saxena, D., Moon, E. S. Y., Chaurasia, A., Guan, Y., & Guha, S. (2023, April). Rethinking" Risk" in Algorithmic Systems Through A Computational Narrative Analysis of Casenotes in Child-Welfare. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-19).
- Pater, J. A., Coupe, A., Nova, F. F., Pfafman, R., Carroll, J., Brouwer, A., ... & Guha, S. (2023). Social Media is not a Health Proxy: Differences Between Social Media and Electronic Health Record Reports of Post-COVID Symptoms. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 1-25.
- McConvey, K., Guha, S., & Kuzminykh, A. (2023, April). A Human-Centered Review of Algorithms in Decision-Making in Higher Education. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-15).
- Das, D., Guha, S., & Semaan, B. (2023, May). Toward Cultural Bias Evaluation Datasets: The Case of Bengali Gender, Religious, and National Identity. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP (C3NLP) (pp. 68-83).
- Chui, V., Pater, J., Toscos, T., & Guha, S. (2023, January). Applying Human-Centered Data Science to Healthcare: Hyperlocal Modeling of COVID-19 Hospitalizations. In The 2023 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'23) Companion (pp. 24-26).
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