Yue Wan
Just like origami, RNA can fold into different shapes that drives its functions in the cell.
Accurate folding of RNA is critical for proper functioning and misfolding can lead to disease. As the cell is made up of millions of RNA molecules, we develop ways to rapidly study RNA shapes, how they can be altered in different environments and be used to interact with other cellular parts for proper functioning. Knowing the configuration of RNA shapes in pathogens allows us to design components that can block or distort them, slowing down their pathogenic growth, and facilitating treatments in infectious diseases.
- EMBO Young Investigator, 2017
- L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science, National Fellowship (Singapore), 2016
- A*STAR Investigatorship, 2016
- Singapore National Academy of Science- Young Scientist Award, 2015
- Society in Science- Branco Weiss Fellowship, 2014
Relevant Publications
Tapsin, S. et al. “Genome-wide identification of natural RNA aptamers in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.” Nature Communications 9,1 (2018): 1289.
Aw, J.G.A.*, A. Wilm*, S. Miao*, S. Yang, N.L. Xin, B. Kum-Loong, C. Yun-Shen, Z. Tong, S. Tapsin, T. T. Susanto, N. Nagarajan and Y. Wan. “In vivo mapping of eukaryotic RNA interactomes reveals principles of higher-order organization and regulation.” Molecular Cell 62,4 (2016): 603-17.
Wan, Y.*, K. Qu*, Q. C. Zhang, O. Manor, Z. Ouyang, Jiajing Zhang, Michael P. Snyder, Eran Segal and Howard Y. Chang. “Landscape and variation of RNA secondary structure across the human transcriptome.” Nature 505, 7485 (2013): 706-9.
Yue Wan, Kun Qu, Michael Kertesz, Zhengqing Ouyang, Jun Li, Robert Tibshirani, Robert C. Nutter, Eran Segal, Howard Y. Chang. “Genome-wide measurement of RNA folding energies.” Molecular Cell 48,2 (2012):169-81.
Kertesz, M.*, Y. Wan*, E. Mazor, J. L. Rinn, R. C. Nutter, H. Y. Chang, E. Segal. “Genome-wide Measurement of RNA Secondary Structure in Yeast.” Nature 467,7311 (2010): 103-7.
* these authors contributed equally.