Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence
Predicting the perfect storm
AI researcher Samira Kahou is using AI for disaster response
World’s premier AI training program welcomes 300 students from around the world
The 2021 DLRL Summer School attracts hundreds of applicants from more than 56 countries.
Irina Rish wants to solve one of AI’s biggest challenges
Her research will enable machines to learn new knowledge more efficiently.
Leading with generosity
A conversation with Kyunghyun Cho on his major breakthrough in machine translation.
Recommendation algorithms could contribute to inequality
Experts say algorithms may impact our cultural preferences.
CIFAR and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) establish CAD $1M research agreement
The funds will support international research collaborations.
A Culture of Ethical AI
Fostering a culture of ethical AI will be critical to translating ethics frameworks into actionable decisions.
How has COVID-19 affected world happiness?
CIFAR Fellows and Canada CIFAR AI Chairs investigate happiness using interdisciplinary methods
A focus on ethics in AI research
Actions taken by AI research leaders could have a cascading effect through the entire discipline.