Minds, machines, and the complexities of information.
The Walrus Talks is a national series of events produced by The Walrus. Each event offers thoughtful, inspiring thinking from scholars, writers, performers, scientists, artists, business leaders, and more!
Andre Alexiss: Author of Fifteen Dogs
Daniel Dennett: Philosopher; Co-director, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University; Advisor in CIFAR’s Brain, Mind & Consciousness program
Sheena Josselyn: Senior Scientist, Neurosciences, Toronto Hospital for Sick Children; professor, University of Toronto; Fellow in CIFAR’s Brain, Mind & Consciousness program
Yann LeCun: Professor, University of New York; Vice President and Chief Scientisit-AI, Facebook AI Research; winner of the A. M. Turing Prize; Program Co-director of CIFAR’s Learning in Machines & Brains program