CIFAR STRATEGY: Bold Exploration to Transform Futures

CIFAR convenes and mobilizes the world’s most brilliant people across disciplines and at all career stages to advance transformative knowledge and solve humanity’s biggest problems, together.
After a thorough review, CIFAR adopted a modified version of the strategy framework
developed by Roger Martin and A.G. Lafley, which requires clear answers to a few key
strategic questions. This methodology keeps the analysis focused and forces choice. It also connects high-level aspirations to concrete operational capabilities.

This refers to a challenge or opportunity which:
- Is likely to dramatically increase in importance over the next decade or two
- Is unlikely to be resolved through incremental improvements or purely technical progress
- Has significant implications for humanity’s collective well-being and welfare
- Is not the target of major investment by others, often because the challenge or opportunity has not yet been clearly recognized
- Is more targeted than themes, disciplines or topics; is amenable to deep questions

CIFAR embraces the extraordinary contributions that fundamental research can make towards transformative impact. We will leverage these opportunities through a portfolio approach. Most of CIFAR’s research programs will be clustered around future-oriented challenges or opportunities where they could unlock entirely new knowledge and new opportunities to change the world for the better.
Critically, programs are not tasked with solving specific predetermined problems. The work is highly exploratory and focused on developing transformative knowledge. In many cases, that new knowledge will be actively diffused during the life of a research program to give the world new ways to shape the future towards one we desire. In other cases, the impact of new ideas, insights and knowledge will take longer to unfold.
Organized into Impact Clusters, programs will identify very different questions to explore, using a wide range of disciplines, informing a variety of pathways towards addressing our biggest problems or unlocking tremendous opportunities. Each of these programs can contribute to transformative impact in a bottom-up fashion, identifying their own core questions for investigation. In parallel, we will retain a small collection of stand-alone programs that are even more high-risk and might identify entirely new Impact Clusters for the future.

CIFAR and the world face profound challenges as well as significant opportunities — and that is why CIFAR must evolve. As we bring the CIFAR Strategy to life over the next few years, some things will become clearer and new uncertainties will arise. A strategy is not a ‘plan’. It is a framework that must be adaptable and open to reconsideration. The Strategy provides CIFAR with an exciting frame for critical choices. We will assess progress each year, but in three years we will undertake a more thorough strategy review to see how we are doing. We will consider what course corrections may be required. Meanwhile, our strategy consultation reaffirmed that CIFAR is a strong organization with a unique model of global research convening. We will look to our whole community and to our expanding group of strategic partners to help us explore boldly for new knowledge with even greater societal impact.