18 Apr, 2016
Canada Council for the Arts has awarded CIFAR Senior Fellow Daniel Trefler (University of Toronto) a 2016 Killam Prize.
Trefler, an economist, was honoured with one of five $100,000 prizes for exceptional career achievements in academia. He studies international trade and its relationship to innovation, institutions, inequality and other areas. Trefler has been appointed to CIFAR for nearly 18 years, most recently in the Institutions, Organizations & Growth program.
“The men and women honoured by the Killam Program are renowned specialists in their fields. But their impact goes far beyond academia,” Canada Council Director and CEO Simon Brault said in a release. “Their creative insights and innovation help us to better understand the world around us – and lead us on a path to resolving the pressing environmental, economic, health and social problems of the day.”
The Killam Prize presentation ceremony will be held at Rideau Hall on May 3rd.
Last week, Trefler was awarded a Bank of Canada Fellowship award.