Reva Gerstein becomes the first woman to chair CIFAR's Board of Directors.

Nobel Laureate Kenneth Arrow joins the Advisory Committee for the Economic Growth & Policy program
Arrow was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (the Nobel for Economics) in 1972, shared jointly with John R. Hicks for "pioneering contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory."
Read about the 20 Nobel Laureates who have contributed to CIFAR's research excellence over the past 40 years.
Read about other prestigious award recipients in our community in our latest Impact Report and through our CIFAR Fellow bios.
Why are Some People Healthy and Others Not? transforms how we think about health
This groundbreaking book crystallizes the findings of a five-year CIFAR-led study that probed the social, environmental and economic dimensions of human health. Its holistic conception of health informs social and health policy world-wide, and persists to this day. The book's impact is discussed in the 2012 issue of REACH.

"The book's impact has been remarkable, not merely in academic citations but through its authors' subsequent work and strategic positions in Canadian health research organizations. The concept of 'Population Health' has become part of our shared intellectual heritage."
Evans, Robert G., et al. “Why Are Some Books Important (and Others Not)?” Canadian Journal of Public Health / Revue Canadienne de Sante'e Publique, vol. 101, no. 6, Canadian Public Health Association, 2010, pp. 433-35.

Stefan Dupré becomes president
Dr. Dupré was previously the dean of the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto; founding chair of the Ontario Council of University Affairs; National Research Council of Canada member; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada member; and past president of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada.

Snowball Earth theory reveals planet's past
Paul Hoffman (University of Victoria) and Daniel Schrag (Harvard University) in CIFAR's program in Earth System Evolution, change the prevalent thinking with their "Snowball Earth" theory. They find geological evidence showing Earth was covered in ice 600-700 million years ago, and that it emerged from its frozen shell as a result of extreme greenhouse conditions caused by a massive buildup of carbon dioxide. Learn more.

General Purpose Technologies and Economic Growth: An academic mainstay for years to come
Fellows in the Economic Growth & Policy program produce a volume of collected essays edited by Elhanan Helpman (Harvard University). The book becomes the standard reference on the role of technology in the economy and continues to have significant influence on our thinking about the nature and impacts of technological change today.

Early Years Report transforms how we think about the first five years of life
The Early Years Report, led by Dr. Fraser Mustard, presents a transformative series of recommendations that lay the foundations for full-day kindergarten and parenting centres. Researchers, including neuroscientists, psychologists and geneticists, in CIFAR's Child & Brain Development program are carrying on Dr. Mustard's important legacy today, providing more evidence for this critical period of our lives on optimal brain development and a lifelong trajectory of wellbeing.