Liad Mudrik
Almost 250 years ago, the philosopher Immanuel Kant suggested that we only have access to the world of phenomena (Kant, 1781). The latter refers to the sum of all our experiences, the way we represent – or perceive – the world. My research, accordingly, focuses on this world of phenomena – our conscious experience – asking first if it plays a functional role in thinking and behavior, second – how it is affected by our knowledge and expectations, and third – how it comes about, or what are the neural mechanisms underlying it. My lab pursues the above questions, using mostly EEG and psychophysics, with a very strong emphasis on finding new ways to scientifically study consciousness in a more ecological manner. In addition, in the last two years I have been a part of two consortia involving both neuroscientists and philosophers, in an attempt to understand consciousness, and its possible role in volition.
- Member, The Israel Young Academy, 2019
- Career Development Award, Human Frontiers Science Program, 2018
- The Robert J. Glushko dissertation prize of the Cognitive Science Society for outstanding dissertations in cognitive science, 2013
- Israeli National Postdoctoral Program for Advancing Women in Science award, Weizmann Institute, 2011
Relevant Publications
Maoz, U., Yaffe, G., Koch, C. & Mudrik, L. (2019). Neural precursors of decisions that matter—an ERP study of deliberate and arbitrary choice, eLife, 8.
Korisky, U. & Mudrik, L. (2018) ‘Real-life’ continuous flash suppression – CFS with real-world objects using augmented reality. Behavior Research Methods. 1-13.
Mudrik, L.,* Faivre, N.* & Koch, C. (2014) Information integration without awareness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(9), 488-496.
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