CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy
CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy
Catalyst grants announced for four collaborative projects using synthetic data for better health research
Four collaborative health research projects using synthetic data have been selected to receive nearly $400,000 in fundin
5 Rising Stars: The AI Pathfinder
Canada CIFAR AI Chair Courtney Paquette’s research lies at the heart of fundamental AI
Artificial intelligence provides sustainable solutions for clean drinking water in rural community
"This project is about using AI to provide safe, fresh drinking water for rural communities."
Equity, diversity and inclusion in AI climate change research
David Rolnick and Tami Vasanthakumaran share their insights on equity, diversity and inclusion.
Predicting the perfect storm
AI researcher Samira Kahou is using AI for disaster response
World’s premier AI training program welcomes 300 students from around the world
The 2021 DLRL Summer School attracts hundreds of applicants from more than 56 countries.
Irina Rish wants to solve one of AI’s biggest challenges
Her research will enable machines to learn new knowledge more efficiently.
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