CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy
CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy
Recommendation algorithms could contribute to inequality
Experts say algorithms may impact our cultural preferences.
AI in biodiversity research crucial to our survival
Canada CIFAR AI Chair Graham Taylor is using computer vision to better understand and protect our planet’s biodiversit
Four AI researchers to watch in 2021
Newly appointed Canada CIFAR AI Chairs use AI to protect our privacy, develop safe robots, understand disease, and addre
Ontario researchers use AI to diagnose and treat COVID-19
Three Ontario research teams are using AI to identify novel solutions for understanding, diagnosing, and treating COVID-
Playing the long game with AI
Canada CIFAR AI Chair Kevin Leyton-Brown applies AI to microeconomics to predict the best possible outcome based on our
AI pioneer Joelle Pineau is transforming personalized health care
From robot wheelchairs and disease prediction to advancing diversity and inclusion
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